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Custom Infrared Camera Cores

When off the shelf just won’t do. 

When an off the shelf infrared camera solution just won’t meet your needs, talk to our experts about a custom camera core configured to your specific requirements. Infrared Imaging’s custom infrared camera cores are among the most advanced cooled sensor packages produced today. Available in either standard definition 640×512 or high definition 1280×1024 formats, our custom camera cores provide superior performance in a package specifically configured for applications where size, weight, and power are critical considerations.

Choose from either traditional InSb, or new high operating temperature materials including nBn and SLS. Our OEM cores are designed to interface with a broad range of continuous zoom and fixed optics. Select from a variety of standard cold shields and cold filters, or ask us about custom designs. Flexible electronics provide a variety of digital and analog outputs, along with access to critical FPA settings. Finally, both standard rotary and long life, low vibration linear Stirling coolers are available. 

• 640x512 or 1280x1024 focal plane arrays• f/2.3, f/4 & f/5.5 cold shields standard
• InSb, SLS, MCT or nBn sensor material• Custom cold shields and dewar designs
• Broadband, SWIR, MWIR & SWIR/MWIR solutions• Powerful, flexible imaging electronics
• 15μm or 12μm pixel pitch• Compatible with a wide range of optics

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